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Are you looking to learn more about the exciting world of cryptocurrencies, trading algorithms, and liquidity? Look no further than our comprehensive collection of blog posts on these topics.
Everything about cryptocurrencies, market making for exchanges and for token issues.
Our expert writers have delved deep into the complex world of cryptocurrencies, exploring their unique properties and the challenges they present for traders and investors. From the basics of blockchain technology to the intricacies of cryptocurrency trading strategies, our blog posts cover everything you need to know to stay informed in the world of crypto, tokens, market making and liquidity.
Smart Contract Explained by the Crypto Builders
A smart contract is essentially a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller directly written into lines of code, automating and…
Demystifying Blockchain Layers: A Comprehensive Exploration
When it comes to blockchain technology, understanding the layers at play is crucial for grasping its full potential. This article lays out the hierarchy of blockchain layers, explaining how they work together to secure…
Unveiling the Impact of High Frequency Trading Algorithms
Are you curious about the fast-paced world of high-frequency trading algorithms? These advanced tools execute massive volumes of trades with precision and…
How the Gaming Blockchain Revolutionizes Play
Blockchain is setting a new standard in the gaming arena by providing players with verifiable ownership and the potential for monetary gain with easily…
What is Decentralized Finance? Understanding DeFi
Have you ever tried explaining blockchain at a dinner party, only to be met with glazed eyes and polite nods? Well, buckle up, because decentralized finance (DeFi) is blockchain’s brainier cousin, and it’s…
Dead Man Switch Order and How Do You Set One Up?
Imagine if you could prevent downsides of network malfunctions in crypto and crypto asset losses. Well, that’s essentially the role of a dead man switch order in the digital asset world. A dead man switch order in crypto is a…
Stablecoin as a Safe Crypto Investment
Imagine a world where your cryptocurrency behaves more like your reliable old teddy bear – always there, always steady – and less like a…
MEV – Maximal or Miner Extractable Value
Have you ever waited in line at a coffee shop, only to see someone jump ahead and snag the last croissant? That’s a bit like what happens in the blockchain world with…
Cascading Liquidations in Crypto? – What are They
Cascading liquidations, a phenomenon increasingly prevalent in the volatile crypto markets, represent a chain reaction of forced liquidations usually observed in leveraged trading. When the value of collateral falls below a certain threshold, it triggers a…